I created this recipe by trying to find a healthier alternative to putting pasta sauce on spaghetti squash.
1 Spaghetti Squash
1lb Italian Sausage
1 Garlic Clove, minced
1 package cherry tomatoes
1/2 Onion
1T rosemary
1T thyme
2T water
Prepare the Spaghetti squash by cutting it in half and baking for an hour. Cover with oil, salt and pepper. When done, you can use a fork to pull it out in pieces, similar looking to spaghetti.
While the squash is cooking. Add chopped onions to a medium heat pan on the stove, cook for 3 minutes. Add sausage and cook until brown. Chop the sausage into pieces as you cook. Add spices, garlic and cherry tomatoes - only cooking a few minutes. Add water and mix.
*Serves 2 people