The best thing about a quesadilla is you can add or change any ingredients and it will still. taste. good. Make substitutes and this can be a vegetarian dish!
Low Carb Tortilla Shells
1 Chicken, cooked and shredded (vegetarian - substitute for cauliflower)
1/4c BBQ Sauce
1c Cheddar Cheese
1/2 Red Onion
Mix shredded chicken, onion and BBQ sauce in a bowl
Heat 1t oil in a pan on medium-low heat. Add tortilla shell for 1-2 minutes until warm. Add 1/2c cheese to entire shell. Wait for the cheese to be melty.
Assemble toppings on one side and fold the side without toppings onto the other. When golden brown, flip!
Cut in half and enjoy.
*Makes 2 servings