Zhoug is already a great hot sauce, but adding sour cream or greek yogurt makes for a great sandwich topper or addition to any dish.
Zhoug Sauce:
3 Poblano Peppers
1/2c Olive Oil
3/4c Cilantro
3/4c Parsley
2T Garlic Cloves
1t Ginger
2t Cumin
1/8t Cloves
1/2t Sugar
1/2c Sour Cream or Greek Yogurt
Chop pepper and place in a blender. Add all the following ingredients to the blender and blend until mixed! Add more oil if needed.
Take 2-3T of Zhoug and mix with sour cream or greek yogurt. Put it on a veggie sandwich or use as a topping for chicken and veggies.